The Myth of the Free Assessment - Why do we charge for assessments?

Nov 30, 2023 11:55:23 AM | Article

The Myth of the Free Assessment - Why do we charge for assessments?

In this blog post, we explain why businesses can't simply rely on "free" offers and discuss why professional, paid IT assessments are essential.

The Myth of the Free Assessment - Why do we charge for assessments?

Are you looking for IT Services and are put off by a request to assess your network to provide a quote?  Have you ever considered purchasing an IT assessment for your business, but balked at the cost? Maybe you've even heard of free assessments being offered on the internet, but is there really such a thing as a free lunch when it comes to IT assessments? In this blog post, we unpack why businesses can't simply get away with taking advantage of these "free" offers and discuss why professional, paid IT assessments are absolutely necessary for determining readiness and capacity in today’s digital world. Read on to learn more! 

At CNWR, we've made the decision to not provide quotes for Managed Services without performing a network assessment.  While we also provide these assessments standalone (And many industries actually require third party auditing), it's not something that is necessarily the norm in the industry.  In this article we'll cover what assessments are, how they're priced, and why we require them. 

Overview of IT assessments 

An IT assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of an organization's technology infrastructure, processes, and policies. It is an essential component of maintaining a stable and secure digital environment. Conducting an IT assessment helps organizations identify vulnerabilities and areas for improvement, ensuring they are utilizing their technology resources to their fullest potential. Through a detailed evaluation of an organization's hardware, software, security measures, and IT management practices, the assessment provides valuable insights into an organization's current strengths and weaknesses. By identifying areas for improvement, organizations can make informed decisions regarding technology investments, staffing, and training to better align their IT capabilities with business goals. 

Common misconceptions about free assessments 

While free assessments may seem like an appealing offer, it's important to recognize that they are often just a sales pitch in disguise. These types of assessments are designed to hook potential customers with the promise of a "free" service, but in reality, they are little more than a tool to sell more products.  Consider your own business.  If you are offering a free service to potential customers to get them in the door, what resources do you dedicate to that free service?  In almost all cases the resources are sales and not billable. Paid assessments, on the other hand, provide a more comprehensive and accurate analysis of your needs without any ulterior motives.  At the end of the paid assessment, you will receive the report, as it is work you have paid for that has been conducted by a technical resource. By investing in a paid assessment, you can feel confident that the results you receive are unbiased and truly reflective of your unique situation. Remember, when it comes to important decisions that can impact your future, it's always wise to invest in a service that you can trust. 


Benefits of paid assessments 

The benefits of paid assessments are numerous and valuable. One of the primary advantages is that paid assessments provide more accurate data. This is because paid assessments are usually created by experts in the field who have a wealth of knowledge and experience. Additionally, paid assessments are typically more detailed than free assessments, providing an in-depth analysis of the results. With this level of detail, you can identify areas that need improvement and develop strategies to address them. Paid assessments also offer a higher standard of quality, including more reliable and valid results. Overall, paid assessments are a wise investment for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of their skills, knowledge, and abilities, and to make informed decisions about their future.

Types of assessments  

There are various types of assessments that can help improve your business and identify areas where you could benefit from additional solutions. Security assessment, network assessment, and policy assessment are three types of assessments that can be used for this purpose. A security assessment evaluates the potential risks and vulnerabilities to your business's information systems by conducting scans and analysis of your network and systems. On the other hand, a network assessment evaluates your network's performance and identifies weak spots that need improvement. Finally, a policy assessment evaluates your organization's policies and procedures to ensure they align with your business's goals and objectives. Each type of assessment has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it's important to choose the one that best fits your business's needs. By understanding the benefits and differences of each assessment, you can identify areas where your business can improve its security posture and operational efficiency.  It is important to recognize the type of data and the type of assessment your IT provider is performing. 

How we price assessments 

Understanding our pricing structure is key to getting the most value for your money. Our pricing is driven by the complexity of the job and the number of users and sites that need evaluating. Additionally, the scope of the assessment also influences the cost. Generally, our assessments are priced between $125 and $200 dollars a user based on the expected scope and complexity.  We strive to provide you with accurate pricing information upfront, so there are no surprises down the road. We believe in being transparent and clear with our clients, ensuring that they receive the best possible return on investment.  

What to look for when obtaining an assessment 

When it comes to selecting a quality provider for an assessment of your environment, there are some key things to keep in mind. First and foremost, check out customer reviews and case studies. These can give you valuable insights into the provider's reliability, responsiveness, and overall level of service. Additionally, be cautious when dealing with providers who refuse to provide supporting data or detailed reports without demanding further purchases. This is a red flag that should prompt you to think twice before making any commitments. By doing your due diligence and taking the time to research potential providers thoroughly, you can increase your chances of finding a quality partner who will meet your needs and exceed your expectations. 

Why we require assessments to provide Managed Services 

Pricing Managed Services is a complex task.  There are tools a provider must consider the cost of, as well as the potential labor involved.  Getting this correct is important for both the provider and the end user.  When the pricing is mismatched, a provider can be losing enough money they cannot provide good service, or they may be charging too much, making it hard to deliver the value the customers expects for their money.  Due to the complexity of these pricing factors, it is imperative to have a good understanding of a network.  We require assessments to obtain a baseline of information that we can utilize when performing other pricing.  In addition to providing the customer an actionable plan to improve their environment, it provides our team a view into the work required to meet our security standards.  This eliminates multiple further discussion on additional projects a company must complete to "be in compliance" with the providers standards.  We believe in transparency in all things, including pricing, and find this is the best path to ensure we deliver high quality services at a price fair to all parties. 


In conclusion, an IT assessment is a powerful tool that can provide invaluable information and help businesses identify areas where they can improve operations. Many providers offer free assessments, but these are not always the most reliable option. Paid assessments provide the highest quality data and analysis, as well as detailed cost calculations to determine how much you could be saving or earning with certain solutions. However, no matter which type of assessment you choose, make sure to do your research and select a quality provider who can back up their work with customer reviews and case studies. Here at CNWR, we offer a wide range of IT assessments with competitive pricing to meet your particular needs. This way you know that you're getting the most value for your money.  

 At CNWR we pride ourselves with the quality of our work.  Our team of professionals can work with you in any of the assessment categories.  Our general IT assessment combines Security, overall network, and policy based information into an actionable report highlighting the state of your environment and making recommendations to improve it.  If you'd like to learn more about what an assessment could do for your business - or if you're ready for a quote - click below to contact one team member today!

Written By: Jason Slagle