One Size Doesn’t Fit All. Understanding Automotive Manufacturing IT

Aug 13, 2024 8:45:00 PM | One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Understanding Automotive Manufacturing IT

For automotive manufacturers to properly protect their technology, they must use IT teams that can handle problems on the factory floor and in the office.

One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Understanding Automotive Manufacturing IT

Recent technological developments have had a massive impact on automotive manufacturing lines. Every new piece of tech is crafted to make every step of production faster, easier, and more efficient. All automotive manufacturers, from the CEO to those working on the automotive manufacturing floor, now build their companies on the back of their technology.

As simple as these technological innovations have made production lines, automotive manufacturers' IT problems have become far more complex.

Every piece of IT you use has distinct functions and challenges. However, the IT used on the factory floor and the tech required by your administrators require vastly different IT skills to fix either of their bugs properly.

Some might think a computer is just a computer. If an automotive manufacturing line uses a Microsoft computer, shouldn’t the back office Microsoft computer have similar solutions to its problems?

This is far from the truth. Without properly vetting your IT team, assuming your IT support can handle both administrative and automotive manufacturing IT problems can be a critical mistake for any automotive manufacturing company. Maintaining, securing, and fixing these networks is vastly different and requires specific skills, unique equipment, and experience in each type of technology.

Instead, it’s paramount to recognize the major differences between these types of technology and give them the proper respect. Those who excel at administrative software programming are not equipped to handle the problems of automotive manufacturing computers.  The same goes vice versa, as your automotive manufacturing tech IT personnel cannot help you with administrative technology, such as finding a lost email.

It’s important to recognize that these two sides of automotive manufacturing technology need each other badly. automotive manufacturing handles your product, and administrative technology handles the logistics of getting it into the world. Both are incredibly important but must be treated as separate things. This is why it is crucial to have separate support teams for either side or IT support that truly understand what both sides of your computer technology take.

CNWR will provide an IT support team experienced in every facet of your automotive manufacturing technology and understands the nuances of handling the supply line and administrative challenges. If you want to keep your automotive manufacturing supported no matter what situations arise, work with CNWR.

[CTA] One Size Doesn’t Fit All. Understanding Automotive Manufacturing IT (2)

Written By: Jason Slagle